

Monday, 14 December 2009


Ok, I did a naughty. I went and bought myself an iPhone 3GS. It's not here yet, but I just wanted a space to list which apps I want to get. So here we gooo:

- Facebook
- Google Mobile App
- Twitter
- Classics (that book one off t'advert)
- Shakespeare (it's free and has ALL his plays, wtf!)
- Kindle for iPhone (just in case i desperately need to read a book and dont have any on me)
- UK Cinema Times
- BubbleWrap
- Colorsplash (I hope this is available in the UK)
- AutoStitch
- Doodle Jump
- Virtual Zippo Lighter (for gigs and festivals!)
- WiFiTrak
- AppBox Pro
- iXpenselt
- iFitness
- Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock (sounds like this app was MADE for me)
- Period Tracker Deluxe (yeah, I shared ;])
- PetSnap (because I'm a loser who likes taking pictures of her cats)
- WhatsApp Messenger

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